Ted Simendinger

The Secret to Happiness (from Ted Simendinger as author Ocean Palmer)

Ted Simendinger | Baseball And Brotherhood Changing The World

The Impact of Technology on Behavior & Happiness

No Bats Baseball Club with Ted Simendinger

Ocean Palmer 'Story in Business' silent movie

Ocean Palmer: Executive coaching -- Whiteboard explainer

The World's Best Way to Build Strategic Plans: Ocean Palmer Associates

Ocean Palmer: Talent Development & Sales Excellence

AACA video

The Impact of Technology 3D explainer

Minions Searching for Campus Happiness

desert promo clip for Ocean Palmer feature film

Ocean Palmer whiteboard: Story & Storytelling

Relationship Management -- Ocean Palmer behavioral-based consulting

Worry Circle: the comedic silent film short

3 REASONS FOR NON-PERFORMANCE silent film: Ocean Palmer Associates

College Seminar: Crowded Heads & the Impact of Technology on Behavior & Happiness

SALES is FAIR funny silent film: Ocean Palmer Associates

Book promo: The Impact of Technology on Behavior & Happiness by Ocean Palmer

The Raven by Ocean Palmer

Ocean Palmer silent movie: 'Train the Trainer' programs

Worry - Control the Controllable with Ed Molitor

Finding More Joy at Work with Jay Clark

States selecting RNC delegates, GOP meets in Florida, Obama's election-year agenda